

The Yacana adventure is merely just starting.

We expect to release the following new features in the next update:

  • Compatibility with inference servers other than Ollama, like vllm, etc.
  • Simplifying shift message system and maybe reworking GroupChat itself a bit.
  • Keep working on the documentation.
  • Add a section on code generation. In theory, we won't add any abstraction because this can be achieved using the current features but still needs documentation. FYI just call a tool that takes a string in input. The string would be the code to execute. Execute the code inside the tool. Problem solved...
  • More to come

Related to Yacana:

  • Updating Gno6 as it's a good demonstration of what cool stuff can be achieved with Yacana
  • Making a RAG tool using Yacana
  • Making another smart CLI. Either GIT or Docker maybe.
  • More to come